Tiny Homes
Tiny homes are sweeping the internet, and for good reason! Designers of these small living spaces have many tricks up their sleeves that any homeowner will love.
Thanks to social media and lifestyle influencers, the tiny home trend is taking over the internet. If you’re not too familiar with the term, a tiny home is an independent living space roughly 500 square feet or less. This includes everything from converted vans and buses to fully functional houses no wider than a delivery truck. The obsession with cramped living spaces may seem counterintuitive– especially as most cost a shockingly large amount of money– but many tiny home owners value the focus on fewer belongings or flexibility that their homes bring.
Although living in a tiny home is very much a lifestyle of its own, there are some tips and tricks used to make these spaces special that any homeowner can appreciate. Here are a few features many tiny homes incorporate that can come in handy for any living space.
Tiny Homes Give Practicality
This first point is a bit obvious, but worth noting nonetheless. When every inch counts, each aspect of a tiny home must be absolutely necessary and worth the space it takes up. This forces a prospective homeowner or architect to decide what is and isn’t essential, leading to some hard choices and sacrifices but often a better way of living. From prioritizing a small oven over a dishwasher to a permanent shower over more fridge space– or vice versa– you’ll figure out which features are crucial to your lifestyle and which are luxuries you could do without.
Tiny Homes Offer Versatility
When it comes to conserving space, practicality goes hand-in-hand with versatility. Anything that serves multiple purposes increases the use you can get out of a structure– think tables that can be converted into beds or barstools against counters with built-in cutting boards for food prep. Consider what aspects of your home you use only seasonally and what alternate purpose they could serve in between uses.
Using the Great Outdoors
The interior of your home isn’t the only part that can be put to good use! Owners of tiny homes on wheels utilize plenty of exterior features that allow them to make the most of whatever locale they call home for the night. From awnings to outdoor showers and kitchens, even those whose “backyards” change daily take full advantage of the extra space. Beautify your outdoor property to leave more room inside your home for whatever you need. As a stationary homeowner, you’ve already got a built-in advantage– use it! From decks and pools to patios and porches, you can live in the open air as well as you live behind your home’s walls.
Ready for a Remodel?
We can help! Our team’s expertise extends well beyond the realm of fencing and decking. If you need any interior or exterior home remodeling in or around Baltimore, MD, then Excel is your go-to company. We offer the best in customer service alongside unbeatable prices and top-quality construction materials. Contact us today through our quick online form or give us a call at 410-803-9499 and let the journey with Excel Fencing and Decking begin!